DeKalb Families in Action, Inc. (DFIA) is a local family-run organization linked to more than 120 chapters and state-wide organizations. DFIA is an established 501 (C) 3 in Stone Mountain, Georgia, consisting of youth & families united and determined to make a difference in our community.
Members are diverse, with a common goal to support at-risk youth and young adults with challenging behaviors.
DFIA hosts monthly Individual, Youth, and Family Support Groups along with Case Management and Supportive Employment opportunities led by Certified Peer Specialists with lived experience.
DFIA provides community resources and access to training, workshops, and conferences to "Engage, Educate, and Empower" youth & families successfully navigate multiple systems.
Our organization utilizes a family-
driven, a youth-guided approach that provides community resources & supports to our clients.
Tammie Harrison BS, CPS-P is a professional Case Manager and Certified Peer Specialist who successfully raised children with mental health challenges.
She has over 20 years of lived and work experience with School Systems, Social Service Agencies, and Non-Profit organizations providing positive support to youth and families.​
Active in the Community
MAY is
Mental Health
Awareness Month
Saturday, May 6, 2023
8:00 - 11:00 am
3rd Annual Green Ribbon 2K Walk/Run
524 Moreland Ave. Atlanta, GA 30316
Call 404-604-7229
to register and for event Info
Sunday, May 7, 2023
12:00 - 3:00 pm
3rd Annual Health & Wellness Fair
542 Moreland Ave. Atlanta, GA 30316
Call 404-604-7229 for Event Info
Vendors, Sponsors, & Volunteers Needed!
Christmas in July Kick-Off for Donations (Date and Location TBA)
Toys for Tots (Date and Location TBA)
QPR Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training for youth & adults
(Date and Location TBA)
Thanksgiving Boxes for Families,
Sick & Shut-In/Seniors
(Date and Location TBA)
Christmas Dinner/Toy Drive
(Date and Location TBA)
Christmas Boxes for Families,
Sick and Shut-In/Seniors
(Date and Location TBA)

To learn more about DFIA follow us at www.facebook.com/Dekalbfamiliesinaction Instagram @dfia2016